Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mom's Day

Well, it being Mother's Day and all I had to go see my parents, even though my mom's mom wasn't in town. I haven't seen my parents since Christmas, seriously. I don't get along with them and they make no effort to seek me out, we pretend the other doesn't exist, works fine for me.

Well, for the whole one or two of you reading this that don't know. My parents (read: dad) kicked me out of their house back last June.


Not because I was snorting cocaine, drinking until I puked, not coming home for weeks on end, or for smoking pot. In fact every drug I've ever done, I first did with my dad. Its kind of bad, all my good memories of him are when we were both high on some kind of drug.

So, he kicked me out under the excuse of smoking cigarettes. Yes, I was twenty, thus the legal age to buy them. My parents are both smokers, so its hypocritical. In fact he only have me 30 minutes to gather my things and get the fuck out of his house. Smoking cigarettes was an excuse. I was fighting with him - and I mean physical fights that ended up with dislocated shoulder-blades, bruises, cuts, and fractured ribs - over my younger sister.

Now, most of you know my sisters I love, but some times I do not like. However, I've made it quite clear that no one - and I mean no one - is allowed to touch my sisters, but me. Well, my loving father decided to pull my then fourteen-year-old sister out of public school.

Once again, why?

Because she skipped two classes. Now, I skipped the first semester of my freshman year in high school and I was allowed to attend all of my high school years. He locked her up, like she was Rapunzel or something, but Chelsea didn't even have her long hair to hope of escape.

So, as you can guess, my father and I do not get along with one another most times. Today, was no different than Christmas or Fourth of July or my own birthday. He got drunk, tried to get his mother drunk, ignored me and my sisters, and barely spoke to my mother.

I swear no one tweaking on coke should be that quiet or withdrawn.

Yes, my father's a cocaine addict. My mom's a pot head too. We are a wonderfully dysfunctional family. As a friend of mine once said: we put the fun back in dysfunctional.

So, the only upside to the trip was that I left my mom a gram of some good weed cause she's been smoking swag, which just embarrasses the Hell out of me.

Yeah, that's it, so laters ya'll!


  1. I really wish you had a better childhood/past/family. =/ But your past and family has toughened you up and made you who you are today. ^.^

    And you ARE being good.. So you bought your mom the gram, hopefully didn't have it stashed anywhere and shared some with her or anything, right? =P

  2. I love my family, its just my dad and my mom's addiction I hate. You know how important family is to me, even if mine's as screwed up as a show of Jerry Springer.

    No, I picked it up on the way to their house, hugged her hello, and put it in her pocket. She's never smoked with me, told me didn't matter if I was 20 or 40 she'd never smoke with me.
